The boys toilet paper their art teacher's house to get revenge for a bad grade. When Kyle's guilty conscience makes him want to confess, Cartman makes an attempt on his life.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
S7, Ep2, Krazy Kripples
Jimmy and Timmy form a club for people who were handicapped from birth. They call it the Crips, and soon find themselves caught up in gang warfare with the real Crips in Denver. Meanwhile, Christopher Reeve does battle with Gene Hackman over stem cell research.
S7, Ep1, Cancelled
Chef and the children learn that Earth is actually just a reality show for other planets. When they learn it is to be canceled, the boys travel to a distant planet to plead their case to the network executives.
S6, Ep17, Red Sleigh Down
When an attempt to bring Christmas to Iraq turns disastrous, the boys head to Iraq with Jesus and Mr. Hankey to save Santa from terrorists.
S6, Ep16, My Future Self n' Me
A freak electric storm causes Stan's future self to return to the present. Stan's future self is an unemployed drug addict, but Stan suspects that it is a hoax.
S6, Ep15, The Biggest Douche in the Universe
Stan tries to disprove psychic John Edward after a reading messes with Kyle's mind. Meanwhile, Cartman and Chef travel to Scotland to exorcise Kenny from Cartman's body.
S6, Ep14, The Death Camp of Tolerance
When Mr. Garrison learns about discrimination lawsuits, he hires a new teaching assistant named Mr. Slave and tries everything to get fired for being gay. When the students complain, they are sent to sensitivity training. Meanwhile, a gerbil named Lemmiwinks navigates his way through the perilous world of Mr. Slave's body.